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Don’t Process-PRAY


“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be white as snow;Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.  If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;…”  Isaiah 1:18-19

Okay so every time I go through something difficult, especially something that catches me off guard, the first thing I want to do is “process” it.  Processing is my method of analyzing this difficult thing with the goal of placing it where it  rightfully belongs in my life.  I have to take whatever it is and evaluate it from every angle and in light of everything that pertains to it.  Since I like to talk, I normally “process” by talking to God about it.  I speak to Him about it openly, honestly and out loud.  When I’m finished speaking, I then continue to process it quietly in my mind.  The more “it” hurts, stings, disappoints and sinks me, the longer I take to process it.  Life is complicated!

I have to admit that my tendency to process things before addressing them or tucking them away made me feel very mature and even a little bit spiritually superior.  I mean I know so many people who respond to life by unapologetically letting their feelings rip-every time.  So this ability to process must be something good and positive right? Doesn’t God’s Word say self-control is a fruit of the Spirit?  Indeed it is!  But that doesn’t mean holding on to something to thoroughly process it, is necessarily a good thing.  Here’s what I believe the Lord showed me about my process of processing.

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Pure Heart Perfect Speech


“My mouth shall speak wisdom and the meditation of my heart shall give understanding.” Psalm 49:3

I’m a talker.  Speech is my love language; my expression of choice. Obviously it’s the main method of communication for everyone, but for some of us it’s so much more.  Speaking allows us to share our feelings and belief’s with others.  I love to talk about my thoughts, my dreams, my passions, and aspirations.  I must admit, I’m also prone to complaining when I’m disappointed or discouraged.  At times for me, my voice is an instrument of relief, a release valve so to speak that allows me to get whatever’s bothering me off my chest. Words allow me teach, utilize my spiritual gifts, and express myself in a way that nothing else can.   I love to pray out loud.  With my voice I can share the Gospel and point people to Christ.

Speaking feels so natural and organic to me that I use to believe that everyone else felt the same way about verbal communication.  I still struggle to accept that intimacy can exist between two people when one person is relatively quiet.  In fact for many years I prided myself on my bold willingness to speak up and even verbally confront others when I felt it necessary.  My openness and yes my foolishness gave me the false sense of being able to resolve any issue with anybody.  My arrogance and ignorance caused me to believe that my words alone could greatly influence and change others.

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