“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be white as snow;Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;…” Isaiah 1:18-19
Okay so every time I go through something difficult, especially something that catches me off guard, the first thing I want to do is “process” it. Processing is my method of analyzing this difficult thing with the goal of placing it where it rightfully belongs in my life. I have to take whatever it is and evaluate it from every angle and in light of everything that pertains to it. Since I like to talk, I normally “process” by talking to God about it. I speak to Him about it openly, honestly and out loud. When I’m finished speaking, I then continue to process it quietly in my mind. The more “it” hurts, stings, disappoints and sinks me, the longer I take to process it. Life is complicated!
I have to admit that my tendency to process things before addressing them or tucking them away made me feel very mature and even a little bit spiritually superior. I mean I know so many people who respond to life by unapologetically letting their feelings rip-every time. So this ability to process must be something good and positive right? Doesn’t God’s Word say self-control is a fruit of the Spirit? Indeed it is! But that doesn’t mean holding on to something to thoroughly process it, is necessarily a good thing. Here’s what I believe the Lord showed me about my process of processing.