Monthly Archives: January 2018

Grace To Face It

Heart Matters

“Remember this, and show yourselves men; Recall to mind, O you transgressors.  Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me,..” Isaiah 46:8-9

Happy New Year everyone!  2018 here we are! New beginnings, new resolutions, new seasons, new blessings, new goals…lots of new things to look forward to!  Let the change begin!  Right?  Right! We’re always excited about the new things.  One of my favorite OT passages is in my favorite OT book, the book of Isaiah.  It says, “Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?  I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43 19.  Awesome!  Oh the things our God can do!  I also love this one (don’t get me started lol) in Jeremiah: “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”  Jeremiah 33:3  Have Mercy!  I just get so excited when I think about the goodness of God!  Truly HE has lots of good things in store for His children.  Don’t we just love that about Jesus!  We always welcome the good…don’t we?  We always welcome the chance for a new start.  But who said good always means new?  And who said old always means bad? Did I trip you up yet?  I hope not!  Stay with me here.  As we enter into a whole new year, I want to challenge you to consider the old.  I want you to think about those things in the past that God has been prodding your heart to deal with but for whatever reason (I’m sure there are many), you’ve decided to ignore His call to face it with HIM, and instead have allowed yet another year to pass, naively thinking it’s also a thing of the past.  I’m speaking of that issue of which you had the very strong feeling that the Lord was urging you to deal with but you still decided to ignore it and turn the blind eye.

There’s nothing like trying to moving forward when we’re unknowingly seriously tethered down.  We can so easily set our sights on what lies ahead reaching and striving to attain the same, not realizing we must first turn around and look that weight right in the face and deal with it entirely in order to get released from its oppression and pressure.  I’m suggesting sometimes when there’s an issue the LORD is calling us to deal with, there’s really no freedom to move forward until we do.

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