Pure Heart Perfect Speech


“My mouth shall speak wisdom and the meditation of my heart shall give understanding.” Psalm 49:3

I’m a talker.  Speech is my love language; my expression of choice. Obviously it’s the main method of communication for everyone, but for some of us it’s so much more.  Speaking allows us to share our feelings and belief’s with others.  I love to talk about my thoughts, my dreams, my passions, and aspirations.  I must admit, I’m also prone to complaining when I’m disappointed or discouraged.  At times for me, my voice is an instrument of relief, a release valve so to speak that allows me to get whatever’s bothering me off my chest. Words allow me teach, utilize my spiritual gifts, and express myself in a way that nothing else can.   I love to pray out loud.  With my voice I can share the Gospel and point people to Christ.

Speaking feels so natural and organic to me that I use to believe that everyone else felt the same way about verbal communication.  I still struggle to accept that intimacy can exist between two people when one person is relatively quiet.  In fact for many years I prided myself on my bold willingness to speak up and even verbally confront others when I felt it necessary.  My openness and yes my foolishness gave me the false sense of being able to resolve any issue with anybody.  My arrogance and ignorance caused me to believe that my words alone could greatly influence and change others.

I had to learn that something that is good in and of itself is not necessarily always good.  The Lord had to teach me that just like everything else in my life, my words needed to be taken into captivity underneath His lordship of my life.

Over the years He has repeatedly shown me that even when you have the best intentions others may not receive what you have to say.  Even when you have the best intentions you may say something God never wanted you to say.  I learned that my words no matter how sweetly presented can: hurt others; cause frustration and irritability; lead to defensiveness; cause the strain of distance and division; ultimately lead to rejection.  I now realize (finally) that my feelings, opinions, and insights are at times neither warranted nor welcomed by others.  My words if I’m not careful can result in broken relationships.

Jeremiah 17:9 says “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?”     We don’t even know or understand our own hearts.  It naturally follows that even when we “think” we have the best intentions, they can be the result of wrong motives.  Jesus said “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks..” Luke 6: 45b    This is why is so important to allow the Lord to do His perfect work in our hearts.  In some areas we are open to this and it happens fairly quickly.  In other areas however, we are oblivious to our sinful heart condition and the Lord takes His time gently pumping it out of our hearts.

So for those of us who are “wordy”, how do we handle our speech in the meantime?  How can we be sure that our words are not coming from a wicked chamber in our hearts?  When our hearts are sincere, how do we know the other persons heart is ready to receive what we desire to say?

It’s simple.  We listen to what God has to say about it.  Overall, it’s better to listen than to speak:

-Be quick to listen and slow to speak. (James 1:19)

-In the multitude of words there is sin. (Proverbs 10:19)

If you have the gift of gab or if your spiritual gift involves speaking take heart.  In the serious matters of life let your words be those the Lord wants you to speak.  He will give you the outlet to pour out words that produce fruit for His kingdom.

Here’s some things The LORD has taught me in regards to my speech:

  • Let quiet always be your first response because it will allow you to stop and pray to ask God for His guidance. Remember once your words go out, they can never be taken back.
  • Never confront someone about something without being led to do so by The Holy Spirit. This way it will accomplish His purpose and you will not misrepresent Him in the way you do it.
  • Limit your speaking about frivolous things. Talking on and on too much will wear the other person out.  If you’re always the one doing the talking when do others have a chance to speak?
  • Listening is just as important as speaking.
  • Never put confidence in your own ability to influence others with your words.
  • Speak His Word to others. Share the Word of God with others for it has the power to impact and change their lives.  Be confident in His Word!
  • Take every thought captive to Christ Jesus because your thoughts usually become your words.
  • If you feel the strong urge to say something regarding a serious matter, say it to The Lord first. PRAY without ceasing!
  • Examine your heart before God and ask Him to cleanse it often.

I know that my love language is a beautiful gift from God.  I believe that it’s also one of God’s Love Languages to us because He speaks to us through His Word -The Bible!


9 thoughts on “Pure Heart Perfect Speech

  1. Wow! I like where you’re heading with this! God is using your spiritual gift well! Thanks for also introducing the Hebrew term Hineni. Submitting as ready and willing to serve the Lord is so joyful! Love you!

  2. Thank you sooo much for your transparency in this area. It serves to me as an on point reminder of (self)accountability. May you continue to proceed (only) as the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart; no matter what!!!
    Much love to you (my beautiful sister in Christ)!

  3. My Lord, is an on time God. I have been struggling with my quite time realizing now I have been talking/complaining to Him. Great encouragement to me. Thanks

  4. So true . We need to remember silence can sometimes speak volumes . Every moment does not required to be filled with words.

  5. Thank you for this, sweet friend. Came under conviction as I read this. Praying for God to cleanse my heart, as out of the heart the mouth speaks.

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