Heart Matters
“For she said to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.” Matthew 9:21
Recently I’ve been thinking about those who’ve had a face to face encounter with the living Lord Jesus when HE walked the earth as a Man (GOD-MAN) thousands of years ago. Those who saw Him in His flesh and were never the same. They beheld His glory, they believed, and as a result their lives were changed forever. Is it not the same for every single believer today? Were we not just going about our business, living our lives, struggling to cope, survive, or even thrive when the unexpected happened? Were we not oblivious, blissfully living in the ignorance of the deception we accepted from the world, our flesh, and the devil? Did we not all have a deep void which we tried our best to either ignore or pacify by attempting to fill it with the temporal and/or the shallow? Yes, I believe this is how it was for us up until the moment we first believed. There we were doing life as normal, that is until like those all those many of years ago who cross paths with Yeshua, we too found ourselves face to face with our desperate need for the Savior. He met us where we were, He allowed us to see who He was, we believed and He saved us, and now we too can say we have never been the same since.
While it’s true that today we didn’t actually encounter the Lord in the flesh, we still were able to see Him in the supernatural way He brought us to Himself. Through those who shared the Gospel with us, we heard Him speak. Through those who served us in His name, we felt His touch. Through those we knew who lived their lives lifting Him up, we were drawn to Him. Face to face with Jesus we were also faced with a choice-we (believers) chose to believe and we became altogether new. Yes it was then when we first believed, at that moment of truth, that Jesus came into our lives and wrecked us like nobody’s business. We became children of God, new creations, Christians! It never ceases to amaze me when I hear how others came to faith in Christ. No matter what corner of the world the person is from their salvation story always testifies to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. It always reminds me of the Scripture which says “The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to everlasting life.” 2nd Peter. 3:9 Yes it is the LORD who pursues us. He sends others to tell us about His great love for us. He allows circumstances so we can see our great need for Him. He draws our hearts to Himself. Although He resurrected and ascended many years ago, He did not leave us alone. HE sent His Holy Spirit. Although the LORD is no longer walking in a specific location on the earth. The Holy Spirit is moving and working in the life of every single believer!
Continue reading Encounters With Christ-She Touched The Hem Of HIS Garment.