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The Weight of Expectation

Heart Matters

“Therefore we also, since we’re surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, ..” Hebrews 12:1

“Let us lay aside every weight…”  Weights are heavy! When they’re attached to us there’s no denying their presence.  I’m going to date myself here but remember when ankle weights were popular?  We’d strap them on for our walks, our jogs, and/or aerobic exercise. (Do people still use those?) Weights are a viable source for physical training because they’re restrictive and they create resistance.  When we engage in weight training there’s little else we’re physically able to do while working out.  The weights we’ve put on or picked up demand our full attention and acknowledgment.  Often times we use certain objects as weights to stop or hold something in place. In the physical, weights can be useful in many ways. However, when it comes to our spiritual life, the things that slows us down or holds us back have to be laid aside. The weights that spiritually hinder our ability to “run with endurance the race that’s set before us,” have to go!

As you read this blog I’d like to challenge you to think of the things in your life that you’re currently allowing to weigh you down and prevent you from moving forward on the track the Lord has established before you.  Before I continue, just in case there’s someone out there who will misconstrue this concept, I want to point out the things that may seem like weights but really aren’t-because God would never want us to lay them aside.  Okay sooo this means your unfulfilling and unhappy marriage-is not a weight.  Your undisciplined and unruly children-are not weights.  Your rebellious teenage-not a weight. Your needy and sometimes demanding parents-they are not weights! Although at times they may deliver a pressure that feels like a 500 lb dumbbell, they’re more like a treadmill which increases your stamina and builds up your resilience.  So be of good cheer!

Unlike the external weights of life, the spiritual weights we deal with are usually more internal.  They’re not the people or things we have to deal with but rather the strong emotions and feelings we tend to harbor.  So what are the weights that have been keeping you stagnant in your walk with Christ? What’s the baggage that’s significantly slowing down your pace, causing you to walk or jog instead of running for the Lord?  What are the weights you need to lay aside, completely discard, and ultimately get rid of?!

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Daughters of Sarah


“Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel-rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.” 1st Peter 3:3-4

Lately I’ve been thinking about how much has changed since I was growing up as a young girl/woman.  The challenges young women face today are much more difficult than our challenges just 30 or so years ago.  For certain, there are some struggles that have always been the same.  We women have always wrestled in one way or another with coming to a place of self acceptance and self love.  I believe The Lord created us to be both cherished and adored.  However when this fails to happen or something interrupts and distorts it, we’re left struggling to believe we’re deserving of it or always fighting to attain it. This life, flawed by sin, has a way with leaving of leaving us wanting  or with a warped sense of who we really are.  The deficiencies of life: abandonment, abuse, and rejection have critically affected the ability of some young women to believe they are in fact adorable. The sinful choices of others: absentee father’s, verbally abusive mothers, favoritism,(and the most vilest of all)-sexual molestation, have greatly disabled and blinded many others.   The darkness they’ve experienced has caused them to retreat into a damp and dirty cave of disbelief.  Many women today struggle to believe they could ever be considered lovable by another.  Even those who’ve had the good fortune not to have experienced any of the ugliness noted above are still forced to process a plethora of information from a media that’s determined to both define and degrade a women’s self-worth.

As I look at the bombardment of lies young women are facing today such as the promotion of body shaming, immodesty, and promiscuity, I desire to share the truth.  I want the next generation of women to know The Truth.  More than anyone, women of God need to encourage other young women to see themselves  the way The LORD sees us.  In this day and age we really need to be reminded of what true beauty is and just how precious we all are in the sight of the Lord!

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Purpose Over Principle

Heart Matters

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?”  Micah 6:8

I used to pride myself on being a fairly “principled” person. Google defines a principled person as someone “acting in accordance with morality and showing recognition of right and wrong.”  A principled person can be described as a person of integrity, upright, virtuous, honorable, and incorruptible.  They possess a serious bend towards justice and a strong regard for what’s ethical and respectable.  Others admire those who are principled because they are responsible, respectable, and reliable.  What’s not to like about this kind of person?

My sentiments exactly! I definitely embraced this strong character trait I thought I was so blessed to possess.  Being a principled person meshed well with my analytical, logical, and dogmatic personality.  I was proud of the fact that I had the wherewithal to relinquish incredible opportunities and forgo immediate gratification when it came to “the principle of the matter.”   My husband once told me one of the things he admires most about me was when I took a stand on something no one and nothing could move me from it.  Lovely right?! When it came down to it, I almost always took the high road-the one that said principle first and foremost-no matter what else was at stake.  However, the problem is that we don’t live in a clear cut world.  There are many factors to every situation and every circumstance.  As such, there’s no way for a person, even the most respectable principled of persons, to know when standing on principle is the right thing to do or when there’s something even greater at stake.  Principled people are normally looking at the situation from an limited and temporal view.  God wants us to look to Him so that we can see things clearly-with an eternal view.  God wants His children to understand that His purpose is always more important than our principle.

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The Vertical Affects The Horizontal

Heart Matters

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”  Jesus said to him, “”You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”  Matthew 22:36-40

As a mathematically challenged person I remember how nervous I was about having to take geometry as a high school sophomore all those many years ago.  I’d heard geometry was unlike any other class and even different from the previous math classes I’d taken so I felt both intimidated and nervous about it.   You’d thought I received an A in the class when I received a C as my final grade!  I’d passed and that was more than enough for me! Today I’m still too ignorant of the subject to accurately explain exactly what geometry is (and thank God I never had to utilize it in my field of work)!  I know it has to do with the study of shapes, lines, patterns and  sizes-their properties and how they relate positionally to each other.  I also understand geometry has been and continues to be an integral part of our daily lives as we build, invent, arrange, and design.  Its concepts are utilized everyday by architects, engineers, physicist, designers and builders.

I’m thinking geometry is also evident in creation.  Did you know the Lord strategically placed the earth at just the right distance from the sun and the moon?  I read somewhere that if we were any closer the earth the heat would be unbearable.  And if we were any further away it would be too cold to exist.  We can see geometry in nature when we stop to gaze at the spider’s intricate web or watch a bird patiently design and build its sturdy nest. Both sun and moon affects the ocean’s tide! Have you thought about the fact that every single planet is perfectly round? God created geometry! Have you ever tried to draw a circle free hand-without a compass? How well did that work out for you?  If you’re anything like me, your circle would be either crooked, warped, or both.  But not so for our Lord-HE created everything perfectly good and in order!

Although I’m still not a fan of mathematical geometry I like the order of God’s universe. I believe there’s a positional principle evident in our relationships as well.  I’m convinced that our vertical relationship with God has a direct bearing on our horizontal relationships with others.  A continuous close relationship with the Lord is crucial if we’re to be successful in our horizontal relationship with others.  When we are rightly relating to our God we are more equipped to rightly relate to others. When we have an ongoing, growing, intimate relationship with our Lord we can be victorious in our relationship with others- no matter how challenging and difficult some of them may be.

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Victory In The Valley!


“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.  When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.  For I Am the LORD you God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior.”  Isaiah 43: 1b-3a

During our lifetime we each experience our fair share of tests, trials, and tribulations.  Life has a way of surprising us and it’s not always good.  Through the unexpected and unwanted challenges of life we often find ourselves sinking-everyday fighting just to keep our heads above water.  As we strive and struggle we lose sight of Whose we are.  We forget that we serve the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient GOD!  Nothing suprises Him and nothing ever catches Him off guard.  In the most chaotic times of our lives the Sovereign Lord is in complete control.  As we feel battered and beaten by the torrenturous storms of life, the Lord who walks on the water is ready to save!

My pastor once said life is comprised of a series of mountain top and valley experiences. Like a roller coaster life fluctuates with its shares of ups and downs.  We all have our good times and bad.  Have you ever heard a pastor say “you’re either in the midst of a trial or headed towards one?” Grrrr-I never like hearing it!  Even a realist like me thinks that’s a bit of a negative statement.  But I understand where they’re coming from. Life is unpredictable, unstable, and unsettlingly at times.

Most people love a good roller coaster ride.  The higher the climb the more exhillarating the drop!  As we fly across the rails at amazing speeds the ride and all of its wonder is over before we know it.  With life-not so much.  While the roller coaster ride accurately illustrates the general pattern of life, it falls short when it comes to the details and duration of the problems of life.  Unfortunately our time spent in the valley usually lasts much longer than we’d like.  In fact, many times our valley experience feels like more than we can bear.  Therefore we spend most of our time in the valley struggling to get out.  We turn down every road we cross hoping that this will be the one that leads us out.  We attempt to make the vertical climb straight up the mountain that surrounds us without any assistance or support.  When we’ve exhausted all of our strength we find a spot to collapse resigned to barely surviving as we decide to accept our fate and cope with the consequences.

Whether we decide to struggle with all our might or merely to survive in the valley, either way we miss out on the most important reason we’ve been sent there.  Both approaches can cause us to miss out on a special encounter, an intimate journey, and a divine deliverance with our Savior!

Continue reading Victory In The Valley!



“Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”  Philippians 2:9

My youngest son “CJ” introduced me to the concept of  “a boss.”  This term has become the replacement for what we used to call “bad” (as in good) or “the bomb” (lol, I still say this one) but “a boss,” I believe, means even more.  I have to admit I rather enjoy this term because it aptly describes what we admire in so many leader type personalities.  We love that they are bold, no holds bar, and the fact that they just don’t play!

In Hollywood  “a boss” is the character that seems rather unassuming-nice, simple, peaceful and kind-that is until you mess with them.  Prod, poke, or threaten them and/or those they love and you’ll see a side of them that will blow your mind.  In the movies “a boss” shows up right on time, ushers in justice, and always ends up the victor.  Behind that quiet, self-controlled demeanor is entirely different character who possesses amazing abilities and incredible powers. They are the ones who are always treated in some unwarranted or undeserving way, but who will eventually give their enemies exactly what they have coming, exactly what they deserve.  Even when the odds are against them and it seems there’s no way out, a boss will always miraculously overcome.

(Okay so I’m going to date myself here, but…) think of the character Caine on Kung Fu. Because of his meekness the bullies in the Old West always thought they could trample him.  Boy were they ever wrong!  Caine was a real deal boss!  Remember David Banner on the old television series The Hulk?  He worked odd jobs in order to keep moving and make ends meet, but someone always had to go and make him angry (and like he’d always say “you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”).  David Banner was a boss!  In The Avengers movie series they even let us in on a little secret regarding his character.  It seems he was always mad!  He lived in a perpetual state of self control-containing the beast inside-until the time called for him to unleash the hulk! (I love it!)  In the movie The Matrix, Neo was a boss and didn’t even know it-that is, not until they were trying to shoot him down for the second time and he decided enough was enough.  Everyone loves the part when he put up his hand like “uh-uhn not this time!” and all those bullets just stopped mid-air and fell to the ground.  Rambo was a boss.  Rick and Darryl on The Walking Dead (don’t judge me!)-bosses.  Goku and Vegeta on Dragon Ball Z (that one’s for you “T”)-bosses!  “A Boss” is defined by that characteristic in the main character which makes them a hero and causes us to root for them and cheer them on.  We love them because they seem to be invincible. The fact that they are humble and refuse to abuse or misuse their strengths for their own gain only makes us admire them even more!

Continue reading JESUS IS THE BOSS!

The Thorn In The Flesh


“…Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.  Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness…” 2nd Corinthians 12:7-9

Do you remember as a kid getting a splinter in your hand or finger?  Remember what a pain it was and how much it hurt?  Remember how you had to stop whatever you were doing and run to mom to make sure the intruder was removed immediately?!  We don’t like anything that sticks or pricks us-anything that causes us pain.  The pain from a splinter is quick, sharp, and intense.  It occurs abruptly and unexpectedly, catching us completely off guard! For a moment we’re taken aback but it doesn’t take long for the shock to wear off and we’re off determined more than ever to get it out.  No one wants a “thorn” in their flesh!  In fact we’re almost always willing to go through the pain of having it removed rather than allowing it to stay and become a source of constant pain.

I remember being pregnant with my firstborn and having some anxiety thinking about the birthing process.   However by the ninth month after blowing up big as a house, being unable to tie my own shoes strings, and just being uncomfortable all around, I couldn’t wait to deliver my baby.  I no longer feared the process or the pain of giving birth.  I was on a countdown eagerly anticipating the day I’d go into labor.  When the time came, I was just as ready as he was!

If we’re sensible, when it comes to pain, the end justifies the means!  We will do whatever it takes to avoid having to live in constant pain.  If a tooth is causing excruciating continuous pain and can’t be saved, we will have it pulled.  If we develop a painful growth or dangerous tumor we’re willing to undergo the knife and have surgery to have it removed. When we’re sick or in chronic pain we’re always hoping for health and healing.

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Opposition – An Opportunity to Trust God Even More!


“For You have been a shelter for me, A strong tower from the enemy.  I will abide in Your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings.”  Psalms 61:3-4

Since I’m always writing to encourage you to surrender your hearts fully to the Lord I think its only fair I also warn you that as soon as you decide to do so, almost each and every time, with every step forward, you can expect some sort of assault from the enemy in return.  If you find this difficult to believe I urge you to take a little walk down memory lane.  Just revisit all the major spiritual milestones and markers in your journey with the Lord thus far.  I’m sure as you reminisce it won’t be hard to identify the opposition that soon followed.  The anywhere from subtle to vicious attack often quickly follows closely behind any victorious steps we take in our faith walk.  But we shouldn’t be surprised.

Unlike  Murphy’s Law (anything that can go wrong will go wrong), the reality of opposition in the believer’s life is much more than an old adage-its a bankable truth.  1st Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.”

The Bible clearly states that as followers of Christ we have a very real adversary who seeks to devour us. The moment we are born into the family of God we gain a very real and viable foe, an enemy of our souls.  Now I know it sounds a bit scary but The Lord doesn’t want us to fear. He wants us to stand in faith. The Lord wants us to be sober, vigilant, aware-so we’ll know what we’re dealing with; so we don’t fall prey to the devil’s tactics (because boy can they ever be slick). The Lord wants us to be able to recognize the enemy’s attacks so that we can respond the way HE wants us to – by resisting the devil and resting in The Lord.

Continue reading Opposition – An Opportunity to Trust God Even More!

The Greatest of These Is Love


“And now abide faith, hope, love , these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1st Corinthians 13:13

“Loving you is easy cause you’re beautiful…..”(Minnie Riperton).  Remember that song and those beautiful high notes she hit?  If love could be expressed in a sound I’d say that “ah ahh ahhh ahhhhha” would come pretty close.  Its such a beautiful song.  It also has a ring- of-truth to it.  It is easy to love those we find beautiful (whether inside or out or both)!  It’s easy to love those who are are nice, sweet, thoughtful and kind.  It’s easy to love those in our lives who are fun loving, compassionate, and easy going.  We have no problem loving those who love us just as much as we love them.  There’s freedom in loving our loved ones who are low maintenance and non demanding.  Those who are independent, self-sufficient, not needy. And of course physical beauty can’t hurt!  Those who are lovely all together.  When the Beatles sang “All We Need is Love” they said a mouthful.  However its just not that easy.

I’m sure you’ve also heard the saying “sometimes love just isn’t enough”.  Tina Turner even had the nerve to say “What’s Love Got To Do With It?”(Lol)  Truth be told, love is easiest when it’s easy! Love is easiest when there’s agreement, cooperation, and reciprocation. Love is easiest when there’s mutual respect, consideration and adoration.  However, absent these things, chances are, love won’t be the default setting of our emotions. I’m not saying we no longer love the person or that we no longer feel love in our hearts for them. I’m saying when we have to love someone who is difficult, (for whatever reason), we may really love them but it becomes more challenging for us to show our love to them.  When someone we love is always in disagreement with us or seems inclined towards disregarding our feelings, love usually ceases to be our first response.

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The Sneaky Saboteur-The Sin Nature


“Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” 1st Corinthians 10:12 

One of the first scary movies I saw as a child was quite the thriller.  When a Stranger Calls was about a babysitter who after tucking the kids in for the night began receiving menacing calls from a man who repeatedly asks her if she’s checked on the kids.  For some reason she continues watching t.v. and never goes upstairs to check on the children.  But the calls continue.  Eventually they become so troublesome that she decides to contact the police department. The climax of the story happened when the officer called her back to tell her he traced the call.  Anyone who saw the movie (or movies, it was remade in 2006) remembers the sheer horror we all felt as the police officer told the main character the call was coming from right inside the house!  Everyone watching the movie felt the adrenaline and the terror the young lady would have felt in that moment.  Before receiving that unbelievable and shocking revelation she had to have had some sense of security in the shelter of the home.  As she processed that the threat had indeed become viable she must have believed with the doors locked and the police on alert she had a good fighting chance.  After all in order to get to her and the kids the perpetrator would first have to breach the locked doors or windows.  Little did she know the psychopathic murdered was right in the same house with her all along!  He had already started his murder spree and he fully intended on making her his next victim.  Up until that call from the police officer the whole time she thought the threat was coming from the outside.  What made this movie so terrifying was that the young lady’s worst enemy was right there inside the house with her the entire time!

Did you know that all believers have an enemy within?  A serious threat is lurking in really close proximity ready to pounce at any time.  There’s a psychopath made up of all the sinful predispositions and habits of our old man ready to wreak havoc and wreck our lives.  It’s called the sin nature-aka “our flesh” or “the old man.” He hangs in the rafters of our minds and in the crevices of our hearts just waiting for the right opportunity to make himself known.  He ready’s himself for his big reveal when our weaknesses begin to cause us to cave and we find ourselves ripe with a willingness to rebel against our God. Suppressed by the Spirit our sin nature is desperate for his chance to have his way.  Once our nemesis believes the odds are in his favor and everything has culminated according to his liking he steps forward and takes his stand.  Just as quickly as our sin nature appears out in the open the assault occurs.  When we’re able to fight just enough to come to our senses we’re usually shocked and appalled by our Un-Christ-like behavior.  We can’t believe that we-new creations in Christ Jesus-just acted like the devil.  We grieve over the casualties we left in our wake-compromised relationships, loss spiritual fruit, and ruined testimonies.

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