Shiny People

Heart Matters

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

I absolutely love the 80’s song “Shiny Happy People” by R.E.M.  Just hearing it makes me want to just jump up and down and dance!  Although my husband and sons think I’m crazy and can’t understand how I could love such a “cheesy song”,  the lyrics, the music, just resonates with the child-likeness of my soul.  If you’ve ever had the privilege of seeing the video, just imagine me right there with them jumping up and down and dancing-choosing and purposing to be a shiny happy person!

I truly believe Christians are CALLED to be Shiny, Happy, people.  We have every reason to be!  We have JESUS!  Besides, Jesus Himself said we are the light of the world.  We are to reflect the light of Christ to others!  We’re to be shiny!  Just think about it, who can see something shining and not go in for a closer look?  Shiny things catch attention.  Have you ever taken a walk and saw something in the distance glistening in the sun on the ground?  If you have I’m willing to bet you didn’t just walk on by and ignore it.  I’m sure you made a bee line to it.  You wanted to investigate to see exactly what it was, to see if it was as valuable as it looked from far away.  Fishermen often use different metallic shiny lures as bait because of it’s effectiveness for catching fish.  Shiny is attractive! When my niece Kayla was small, like around 3 years old she told me she wanted me to wash and set her hair because she wanted it to be “shiny.”  The next day she became quite angry when it didn’t meet her expectations.  I’ll never forget her disgust and her lack of hesitation to communicate to me that I “didn’t get it shiny enough” (lol).  Shiny is a good thing, even little kids know it.  Today people have popularized terms such as “bling” “glitter and glam” but to me a simply “shiny’ is all that’s needed.

Have you ever met a “shiny” person.  You know someone who always has a smile on their face.  Someone who just radiates joy.  You can see it in their eyes-they are happy people.  I can’t go on without giving a shout-out to some of the most shiniest people I know: Mia, Tasha, Valerie, Chanel and Kaitlin…I want to be shiny every day just like you!

You know believers have every reason to be genuinely shiny people but more often than not, we aren’t.  We allow the cares of this life to strip us and instead of glistening in the SON (get it?), we become dull and dross blending in with the rest of the dreary sin stained world.  But we don’t have to!

Did you notice the stark contrast in the Scripture above? Jesus just outright says in this world we will have tribulation.  Now tribulation is no small matter.  Tribulation has to do with circumstances which oppress, crush, and causes anguish.  When Jesus used the word “tribulation” He wasn’t talking about something trivial.  Think of a worse case scenario or that which you have experienced or are experiencing right now which has left you weary and worn out and just done. Jesus says about that thing-you (we) can “be of good cheer.”  Whatt?!!  Wait we’re going to have to go through some really tough and difficult circumstances in life and when we do, You want us to be of good cheer?  The answer is YES!  Notice HE also says in this verse that He spoke the previous verses so that they (we) would have peace“Soooo peace is attainable in spite of the presence of tribulation?”  The answer is YES!  But know this….we can only have peace when we connect with the only source of Peace-The LORD JESUS CHRIST.  In fact one of Jesus’ names is THE PRINCE OF PEACE.  You see peace comes from identifying with Christ- the One who came into the world to die for the sin of the world and yet was rejected, abandoned, and left alone by man-but because of His relationship with the Father was able to overcome the world and accomplish His purpose on the cross.  Do you ever feel rejected, abandoned, like an outcast?  Jesus knows exactly how you feel.  We too can overcome by realizing we are not alone-JESUS is with us.

You know I believe when we purpose to “be of good cheer” we will receive the peace of Christ and we will have Joy.  That’s why whenever I hear R.E.M.’s song “Shiny Happy People” I can’t help but think about Jesus and how He makes me “shiny.”

You know one of the number one goals of the devil is to steal the believer’s joy.  And boy let me tell you he has a whole arsenal prepared to do so.  He uses the trials and tribulations of our lives as well as our weaknesses and propensities towards self dependency and self righteousness.  He knows that nothing draws other to Christ quite like a shiny joyful Christian.  He knows this is especially true when this is our countenance (we are shiny) even in the midst of trials and tribulation.  Now I have to admit that I tend to be a person who can let the cares of life sink me quickly.  It’s like every time I let my disappointment become discouragement – it’s as though the devil is right there blowing out the fire of my candle.  But we believers have the light of Christ on the inside of us so we should be like those magical candles- you blow out and they just immediately light right back up!  If we would only remember what Jesus said we too can be over comers. I’m thankful that because of Christ, I’m growing in a manner that I still might let my disappointments move me into discouragement (but even this is happening less and less) but I’m quick to light right back up when my light is blown out.  I can’t live in the darkness.  I’m a child of the light.  “For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light.” Ephesians 5:8

We have to! We only have one life to live-for Christ.  So I have to ask you, what’s stealing your joy today?  What are you allowing to cause you to be drab instead of shiny?  Tests, trials, tribulation?  Jesus said it doesn’t have to.  We can have peace and joy even in the midst of the storms of life.  We should and we have to if we want to be serious about accomplishing our purposes for the Lord and if we want to enjoy a fulfilling life. “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light to shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” 2nd Corinthians 4:6

I don’t know about you, but I will be, I’m determined to be-a shiny happy person.  I know the enemy comes to steal, kill, rob and destroy.  Trust me I see it happening all around me.  And I can say I too have been robbed because of loved ones who’ve allowed the enemy to do his dirty work in their lives.  But as much as it’s up to me (by way of walking in complete dependency on God, continuously examining my heart before Him, and confessing and repenting of my sins), the devil will not get to have his way with me and harm those I love through me.  I’m purposing to walk in love and obedience with the Lord so that any ground I give to the enemy because of my flesh will be quickly snatched up and redeemed by my GOD! “You are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.” Matthew 5:14-15

Victor Frankl was a survivor of the Holocaust concentration camps.  This is what he said “This is the last of human freedoms-the ability to chose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances.”  It gives me chills to think that a man who was stripped of everything knew he still had the freedom to choose what kind of attitude he would have.  I believe since believers are empowered by the Holy Spirit, the choice is ours to make.  We can be shiny on the daily if we desire to.  We need to let the reality of Christ fill us with the joy of the Lord.  In the words of my surrendered on fire for Christ neighbor Ms. Rosa, “no one can steal my joy baby.”  

“YOU will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”  Psalms 16:11

There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:39) and that’s EVERYTHING!  Stay close to Christ and be joyful-SHINE! “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16



2 thoughts on “Shiny People

  1. So beautiful Kirsten and so is your ministry! The Holy Spirit kept whispering your name in my ear yesterday and I am so glad that I found your blog. Many blessings to you sweet sister! Love, Allyson

  2. Hey Allyson! Thanks. I’m so glad HE put me on your heart, it’s great to hear from you my sister! Love you always!

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