The Conviction of Conscience

Heart Matters

“And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last.  And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.”  John 8:8-9

I recently submitted an article to a Christian Magazine for publication.  The subject was about the importance about not judging others.  As a believer who fell hard into legalism at one time, I’m serious about not wrongfully judging others (both believers and non believers) and about not having a wrong heart attitude towards other people.  But I have to say I submitted that particular article out of obedience to the Lord. I truly felt after much prayer and seeking His face that it was the article He wanted me to submit for publishing.  However, out of all the articles I’ve written, it wasn’t one of my favorites, also because it’s (judging) is such a delicate subject and one which can difficult to rightfully understand, I felt apprehensive about it.  “Judging Others” is a subject which can be greatly misunderstood, so  I carefully reviewed my article over and over again to make sure it was doctrinally sound.  The last thing I’d ever want to do is water down the truth especially as it pertains to God’s call to holiness in the life of a believer.  I’m not oblivious to the fact that there are believers out there who are big on “not judging others” but who refuse to ever hold other believers accountable.  I also know there are those Christians (like I used to be) who are almost consumed with making other believers behave and live in a holy manner acceptable in their sight leaving no room for God’s own process of spiritual growth in the life of His children.  They impose their lists of “do’s and don’t” on the lives of believers and unbelievers alike and in doing so do much damage to the cause of Christ.  We can all tend to lean to one extreme or the other.  But God is a God of Balance.

By the way, I did submit the article for publication.  It hasn’t been published yet because these things take time.  But we will see if indeed it was the one God wanted me to submit if it is chosen for publication.  I’ll keep you posted.  Now back to the blog (Lol). Lately I’ve been thinking, no realizing  that often times when people accuse you of judging them, since they have no real way of knowing the intent of your heart, they can have it all wrong. I’m starting to see that the real reason they feel you are judging them is not because you are, but rather is because their own conscience is convicting them.  WOW!  Okay for those of you who are reading this and saying “duuuhhh Kirsten”, I’m sorry but y’all are going to have to indulge me for a moment.  I mean, wow, there have been so many times when I have been accused of judging when I really felt I wasn’t.  I would self-examine and just come to the conclusion that I must have come across that way.  My personality is such that I’m straight forward, to the point, and no holds barred.  But I am also a very loving and kind person (and yes Kat, I still think I’m sweet too) too.  I always took full responsibility when that indictment was handed down to me.  I had a past of legalism and actually being a judgmental out of order person-guilty as charged.  But I wasn’t always being judgmental and there have been times when the label has been permanently affixed to me when it wasn’t further from the truth.  Chains loosed!

I believe when a person already has their conscience pricking their hearts and minds about a certain behavior or heart attitude and you point it out or hold them accountable for it, they can quickly transfer their very own feelings of judgment and conviction and project it on to you!  In the words of Lauren Hill “how you gon win, when you aren’t right within?!” When we hold other believers accountable, we can open ourselves to being the scapegoat of their own conscience conviction!  Incredible right?!!  I mean that with the utmost indignation lol.  It’s appalling.  But such is the way we can operate in our human behavior (Gina, I’ll never forget how you put that).

Just think about it, when a person reassigns the internal conviction of their conscience which is crying out for them to change, to you and rename it to “outside judgment” they are also removing their own accountability and at the same time giving themselves a new justification to continue on in their wrong behavior. BOOM!

Think about it.  Have you ever held a person accountable for something and all of a sudden they turned around and spun it on you?  How many times does this happen?  All the time right?!  I think so!  Anyway it doesn’t mean we don’t always have some culpability, but it also doesn’t mean that we always do.   In a most recent experience with this scenario the other person told me “well it’s all about perception.”  Well, I beg to differ.  While perception is totally important because this is the place where feelings are hurt, pain is experienced, and brokenness occurs, this is also the place where truth must come in to straighten things out. So no, it’s not all about perception, it’s all about the truth!

The scripture above is about the story of the woman who was caught in the very act of adultery.  The self-righteous (and yes legalistic) men who caught and accused her were ready to stone her to death.  The fact was that she was guilty of adultery and there was no doubt about it.  But when they brought it to Jesus, He decided to handle it a different way. The law said she was to be stoned, but now Grace was right there- right on the scene and so there was hope.  So the Lord said to them “he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” Now I have to say those who don’t want to hold nobody accountable for nothing absolutely LOVE quoting this scripture -out of context.  They forget that Jesus who is full of Truth and Grace still dealt with her sin.  He did not pretend it didn’t happen or never was a problem.  No, instead He told her to “your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more.”  He dealt with her sin-He offered her forgiveness and the chance to truly repent (turn away from) of her sin.  He lovingly held her accountable.  If we don’t hold others accountable, they may never repent.  Now getting back to her accusers…Jesus taught them a lesson.  He began writing in the sand.  I have to agree with the many commentators who believe he was writing their names down along with their transgressions.  (This is the reason we’re really not fit to judge because we’re guilty of the very same sins in one way or another).  So the One and Only True Judge caused their consciences to activate and they were convicted.  It says “one by one” they walked away and left.  The woman was left alone with her Lord. And this is the place where true accountability happens-if we don’t deal with our sin (the sin others can help us easily repent of if we receive it) we will have to deal with it eventually, one on one with the LORD.  When we sin, we sin against HIM alone.

But notice what caused the others to self correct when they took heed to it.  It was their consciences convicting them.  It happened when the Lord pointed it out to them it seems.  So what can we learn from this.  Okay I know this is rich, deep, and very layered, but boy is this good!  We should learn that we can hold others accountable but only when done with the right heart attitude (and grace should always be extended).  We should learn that we can’t render merciless judgment because we want God to show us mercy for the same sins when we committed or commit them.  We should learn that God has given us a conscience for a reason and if we heed it we can confess and repent of our sins.  We should learn to listen for the voice of God, whether He speaks through our conscience or through the voice of someone who loves and cares for us and about us.  Remember HE always speaks to us through His Word!  So read your Bibles!

So how does this apply to your life?  Now may be a good time for some self-examination? Have you been projecting the conviction of your conscience by falsely accusing someone of judging you?  Have you been ignoring your conscience and what the Lord has been trying to get your attention about?  Do feel judged by others because it is actually your conscience judging you?  On the flip side, are others accusing you of judging them?  If so, have you checked yourself?  Are you trying to condemn someone else because of the sin in their life or are you lovingly holding them accountable to help move them towards repentance and the grace the Lord has for them?  Jesus was full of grace and truth.  Let’s make sure to put all of our perceptions in the proper place-underneath the providence of TRUTH!  For it is there we will get to experience His all sufficient Grace!



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