Heart to Heart: “TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting;..” Daniel 5:27

Balance. When the scales tip in either direction favor wins. Bias then begins. My belief is that it is the preference of man to be all or nothing. In doing so, he is able to draw the lines which causes him to feel safe and develop the boundaries which prevents struggle. The all of nothing attitude is one which encourages restriction and rejects openness. It is embraced by most because it releases one from the discomfort of having to figure it out and seek the truth. It keeps us from having to exercise faith.

My mom often says to me “If I ain’t sick of you and your “balance.” I can agree that for too many times she has been on the other end of my trying to encourage her to seek balance. I’m an advocate of it because I know only The LORD can give it. It’s not “my” balance; it belongs to HIM. Balance is so evident in His creation, His economy, and in His Word. But in order to attain it, one must first go to Him for it. This is where the work begins. “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, Measured heaven with a span and calculated the dust of the earth in a measure? Weighed mountains in scales and hills in a balance? Isaiah 40:12

This is also the reason why most willingly forfeit it. It’s just so much easier to quickly pick a side than to be left standing in the middle waiting to sort it all out. Balance cannot be achieved outside of faith. It make take awhile to get there but as we sort through the imbalances of our lives with the LORD, HE will be right there building our faith and teaching us how to both navigate and survive the delicate and sensitive places of our lives.

The scales will only balance for us when we allow the LORD to reveal just how much of each side can be accepted in truth. Truth is the only Balance. The LORD IS TRUTH. And since only JESUS knows what should be given more and what should be given less; when we should dive in and when we need to retreat; when it’s time to speak and when it’s time to shut up…(dare I say I could go on and on), only JESUS can give us the answer to every single specific question of life. Only JESUS can give us the balance we need in life. HE is the only steady in our ever changing life’s circumstances.

And this my friends is His full intention. As we seek HIM for our answers instead of quickly settling for the easy way out, HE will tenderly, gently, perhaps slowly and methodically too-weigh the matter and balance the scales …all in our favor.

Balance is what leads to a beautiful and blessed life. The ONE who was balanced up on the cross for our sake, also seeks to balance us out. If we can determine to seek Him to make the crooked places straight in our lives, He will straighten us out as well.

Balance facilitates justice and equality without us having to be one sided, or all or nothing. When people see it in us, they won’t be able to help but to also see CHRIST in us.

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